False information is no good to anyone

There is no doubting the massive impact that COVID 19 is having on people all around the world. Everywhere we turn there is a new update or piece of information. Therefore it is increasingly important to make sure if you are sharing information that it is accurate and from a reliable source.

Limit your news intake

To help protect your mental health you should limit the amount of information you view. Constantly seeing updates on a worrying subject is not good for you. Limit your exposure and mix things up with something more light hearted. (E.g. Our Positivity Update)

#Stopthespread with these 10 verified top tips

10 verified steps you can take

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds.
  2. Avoid touching your face, eyes, mouth, and nose.
  3. Avoid contact with people who are vulnerable. And if you can’t, wear a mask.
  4. Cover your cough with the bend of your elbow.
  5. Disinfect surfaces you regularly use.
  6. If you feel unwell, stay at home for a minimum of 7 days and visit NHS 111 online.
  7. If someone in your household has symptoms, all householders isolate for 14 days
  8. Only share information from trusted sources.
  9. Maintain social distancing (2 metres/6ft)
  10. Be kind and considerate. This affects everyone.

Reliable sources of information: